Dark Easter Egg

29.11.07 , Posted by Geoff Thorne at 11:02

I'm not sure what to call this- a sneak peak? an unfulfilled wish? Whatever. This year I was lucky enough to be able to create and produce a web series called GEOFFREY THORNE'S THE DARK. There's the link there on the left. It met with enough success that I and the extremely talented guys who threw in with me immediately got into "talks" about what to do next. A second season? Something more ambitious in the long form? As you can imagine there was a lot of talking but not so much making. The longer we talked the less time we had to actually nail anything down. There was money to be made in the so-called real world and lives to be lived there as well. Stupid real world. Anyway, I was going through my discs and I found the first two segments of what I thought might have been a possible installment of GEOFFREY THORNE'S THE DARK: SERIES TWO. Drum roll, Jeeves. Teaser: Segment 1: Is that it? For now, it has to be, I'm afraid. But the guys still talk. Who knows what we'll come up with?

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